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1 Pattern Matching

The GNU C Library provides pattern matching facilities for two kinds of patterns: regular expressions and file-name wildcards. The library also provides a facility for expanding variable and command references and parsing text into words in the way the shell does.

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1.1 Wildcard Matching

This section describes how to match a wildcard pattern against a particular string. The result is a yes or no answer: does the string fit the pattern or not. The symbols described here are all declared in ‘fnmatch.h’.

Function: int fnmatch (const char *pattern, const char *string, int flags)

This function tests whether the string string matches the pattern pattern. It returns 0 if they do match; otherwise, it returns the nonzero value FNM_NOMATCH. The arguments pattern and string are both strings.

The argument flags is a combination of flag bits that alter the details of matching. See below for a list of the defined flags.

In the GNU C Library, fnmatch cannot experience an “error”—it always returns an answer for whether the match succeeds. However, other implementations of fnmatch might sometimes report “errors”. They would do so by returning nonzero values that are not equal to FNM_NOMATCH.

These are the available flags for the flags argument:


Treat the ‘/’ character specially, for matching file names. If this flag is set, wildcard constructs in pattern cannot match ‘/’ in string. Thus, the only way to match ‘/’ is with an explicit ‘/’ in pattern.


This is an alias for FNM_FILE_NAME; it comes from POSIX.2. We don’t recommend this name because we don’t use the term “pathname” for file names.


Treat the ‘.’ character specially if it appears at the beginning of string. If this flag is set, wildcard constructs in pattern cannot match ‘.’ as the first character of string.

If you set both FNM_PERIOD and FNM_FILE_NAME, then the special treatment applies to ‘.’ following ‘/’ as well as to ‘.’ at the beginning of string. (The shell uses the FNM_PERIOD and FNM_FILE_NAME falgs together for matching file names.)


Don’t treat the ‘\’ character specially in patterns. Normally, ‘\’ quotes the following character, turning off its special meaning (if any) so that it matches only itself. When quoting is enabled, the pattern ‘\?’ matches only the string ‘?’, because the question mark in the pattern acts like an ordinary character.

If you use FNM_NOESCAPE, then ‘\’ is an ordinary character.


Ignore a trailing sequence of characters starting with a ‘/’ in string; that is to say, test whether string starts with a directory name that pattern matches.

If this flag is set, either ‘foo*’ or ‘foobar’ as a pattern would match the string ‘foobar/frobozz’.


Ignore case in comparing string to pattern.

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1.2 Globbing

The archetypal use of wildcards is for matching against the files in a directory, and making a list of all the matches. This is called globbing.

You could do this using fnmatch, by reading the directory entries one by one and testing each one with fnmatch. But that would be slow (and complex, since you would have to handle subdirectories by hand).

The library provides a function glob to make this particular use of wildcards convenient. glob and the other symbols in this section are declared in ‘glob.h’.

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1.2.1 Calling glob

The result of globbing is a vector of file names (strings). To return this vector, glob uses a special data type, glob_t, which is a structure. You pass glob the address of the structure, and it fills in the structure’s fields to tell you about the results.

Data Type: glob_t

This data type holds a pointer to a word vector. More precisely, it records both the address of the word vector and its size.


The number of elements in the vector.


The address of the vector. This field has type char **.


The offset of the first real element of the vector, from its nominal address in the gl_pathv field. Unlike the other fields, this is always an input to glob, rather than an output from it.

If you use a nonzero offset, then that many elements at the beginning of the vector are left empty. (The glob function fills them with null pointers.)

The gl_offs field is meaningful only if you use the GLOB_DOOFFS flag. Otherwise, the offset is always zero regardless of what is in this field, and the first real element comes at the beginning of the vector.

Function: int glob (const char *pattern, int flags, int (*errfunc) (const char *filename, int error-code), glob_t *vector_ptr)

The function glob does globbing using the pattern pattern in the current directory. It puts the result in a newly allocated vector, and stores the size and address of this vector into *vector_ptr. The argument flags is a combination of bit flags; see Flags for Globbing, for details of the flags.

The result of globbing is a sequence of file names. The function glob allocates a string for each resulting word, then allocates a vector of type char ** to store the addresses of these strings. The last element of the vector is a null pointer. This vector is called the word vector.

To return this vector, glob stores both its address and its length (number of elements, not counting the terminating null pointer) into *vector_ptr.

Normally, glob sorts the file names alphabetically before returning them. You can turn this off with the flag GLOB_NOSORT if you want to get the information as fast as possible. Usually it’s a good idea to let glob sort them—if you process the files in alphabetical order, the users will have a feel for the rate of progress that your application is making.

If glob succeeds, it returns 0. Otherwise, it returns one of these error codes:


There was an error opening a directory, and you used the flag GLOB_ERR or your specified errfunc returned a nonzero value. for an explanation of the GLOB_ERR flag and errfunc.


The pattern didn’t match any existing files. If you use the GLOB_NOCHECK flag, then you never get this error code, because that flag tells glob to pretend that the pattern matched at least one file.


It was impossible to allocate memory to hold the result.

In the event of an error, glob stores information in *vector_ptr about all the matches it has found so far.

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1.2.2 Flags for Globbing

This section describes the flags that you can specify in the flags argument to glob. Choose the flags you want, and combine them with the C bitwise OR operator |.


Append the words from this expansion to the vector of words produced by previous calls to glob. This way you can effectively expand several words as if they were concatenated with spaces between them.

In order for appending to work, you must not modify the contents of the word vector structure between calls to glob. And, if you set GLOB_DOOFFS in the first call to glob, you must also set it when you append to the results.

Note that the pointer stored in gl_pathv may no longer be valid after you call glob the second time, because glob might have relocated the vector. So always fetch gl_pathv from the glob_t structure after each glob call; never save the pointer across calls.


Leave blank slots at the beginning of the vector of words. The gl_offs field says how many slots to leave. The blank slots contain null pointers.


Give up right away and report an error if there is any difficulty reading the directories that must be read in order to expand pattern fully. Such difficulties might include a directory in which you don’t have the requisite access. Normally, glob tries its best to keep on going despite any errors, reading whatever directories it can.

You can exercise even more control than this by specifying an error-handler function errfunc when you call glob. If errfunc is not a null pointer, then glob doesn’t give up right away when it can’t read a directory; instead, it calls errfunc with two arguments, like this:

(*errfunc) (filename, error-code)

The argument filename is the name of the directory that glob couldn’t open or couldn’t read, and error-code is the errno value that was reported to glob.

If the error handler function returns nonzero, then glob gives up right away. Otherwise, it continues.


If the pattern matches the name of a directory, append ‘/’ to the directory’s name when returning it.


If the pattern doesn’t match any file names, return the pattern itself as if it were a file name that had been matched. (Normally, when the pattern doesn’t match anything, glob returns that there were no matches.)


Don’t sort the file names; return them in no particular order. (In practice, the order will depend on the order of the entries in the directory.) The only reason not to sort is to save time.


Don’t treat the ‘\’ character specially in patterns. Normally, ‘\’ quotes the following character, turning off its special meaning (if any) so that it matches only itself. When quoting is enabled, the pattern ‘\?’ matches only the string ‘?’, because the question mark in the pattern acts like an ordinary character.

If you use GLOB_NOESCAPE, then ‘\’ is an ordinary character.

glob does its work by calling the function fnmatch repeatedly. It handles the flag GLOB_NOESCAPE by turning on the FNM_NOESCAPE flag in calls to fnmatch.

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1.3 Regular Expression Matching

The GNU C library supports two interfaces for matching regular expressions. One is the standard POSIX.2 interface, and the other is what the GNU system has had for many years.

Both interfaces are declared in the header file ‘regex.h’. If you define _POSIX_C_SOURCE, then only the POSIX.2 functions, structures, and constants are declared.

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1.3.1 POSIX Regular Expression Compilation

Before you can actually match a regular expression, you must compile it. This is not true compilation—it produces a special data structure, not machine instructions. But it is like ordinary compilation in that its purpose is to enable you to “execute” the pattern fast. (See section Matching a Compiled POSIX Regular Expression, for how to use the compiled regular expression for matching.)

There is a special data type for compiled regular expressions:

Data Type: regex_t

This type of object holds a compiled regular expression. It is actually a structure. It has just one field that your programs should look at:


This field holds the number of parenthetical subexpressions in the regular expression that was compiled.

There are several other fields, but we don’t describe them here, because only the functions in the library should use them.

After you create a regex_t object, you can compile a regular expression into it by calling regcomp.

Function: int regcomp (regex_t *compiled, const char *pattern, int cflags)

The function regcomp “compiles” a regular expression into a data structure that you can use with regexec to match against a string. The compiled regular expression format is designed for efficient matching. regcomp stores it into *compiled.

It’s up to you to allocate an object of type regex_t and pass its address to regcomp.

The argument cflags lets you specify various options that control the syntax and semantics of regular expressions. See section Flags for POSIX Regular Expressions.

If you use the flag REG_NOSUB, then regcomp omits from the compiled regular expression the information necessary to record how subexpressions actually match. In this case, you might as well pass 0 for the matchptr and nmatch arguments when you call regexec.

If you don’t use REG_NOSUB, then the compiled regular expression does have the capacity to record how subexpressions match. Also, regcomp tells you how many subexpressions pattern has, by storing the number in compiled->re_nsub. You can use that value to decide how long an array to allocate to hold information about subexpression matches.

regcomp returns 0 if it succeeds in compiling the regular expression; otherwise, it returns a nonzero error code (see the table below). You can use regerror to produce an error message string describing the reason for a nonzero value; see POSIX Regexp Matching Cleanup.

Here are the possible nonzero values that regcomp can return:


There was an invalid ‘\{…\}’ construct in the regular expression. A valid ‘\{…\}’ construct must contain either a single number, or two numbers in increasing order separated by a comma.


There was a syntax error in the regular expression.


A repetition operator such as ‘?’ or ‘*’ appeared in a bad position (with no preceding subexpression to act on).


The regular expression referred to an invalid collating element (one not defined in the current locale for string collation). @xref{Locale Categories}.


The regular expression referred to an invalid character class name.


The regular expression ended with ‘\’.


There was an invalid number in the ‘\digit’ construct.


There were unbalanced square brackets in the regular expression.


An extended regular expression had unbalanced parentheses, or a basic regular expression had unbalanced ‘\(’ and ‘\)’.


The regular expression had unbalanced ‘\{’ and ‘\}’.


One of the endpoints in a range expression was invalid.


regcomp ran out of memory.

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1.3.2 Flags for POSIX Regular Expressions

These are the bit flags that you can use in the cflags operand when compiling a regular expression with regcomp.


Treat the pattern as an extended regular expression, rather than as a basic regular expression.


Ignore case when matching letters.


Don’t bother storing the contents of the matches_ptr array.


Treat a newline in string as dividing string into multiple lines, so that ‘$’ can match before the newline and ‘^’ can match after. Also, don’t permit ‘.’ to match a newline, and don’t permit ‘[^…]’ to match a newline.

Otherwise, newline acts like any other ordinary character.

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1.3.3 Matching a Compiled POSIX Regular Expression

Once you have compiled a regular expression, as described in POSIX Regular Expression Compilation, you can match it against strings using regexec. A match anywhere inside the string counts as success, unless the regular expression contains anchor characters (‘^’ or ‘$’).

Function: int regexec (regex_t *compiled, char *string, size_t nmatch, regmatch_t matchptr [], int eflags)

This function tries to match the compiled regular expression *compiled against string.

regexec returns 0 if the regular expression matches; otherwise, it returns a nonzero value. See the table below for what nonzero values mean. You can use regerror to produce an error message string describing the reason for a nonzero value; see POSIX Regexp Matching Cleanup.

The argument eflags is a word of bit flags that enable various options.

If you want to get information about what part of string actually matched the regular expression or its subexpressions, use the arguments matchptr and nmatch. Otherwise, pass 0 for nmatch, and NULL for matchptr. See section Match Results with Subexpressions.

You must match the regular expression with the same set of current locales that were in effect when you compiled the regular expression.

The function regexec accepts the following flags in the eflags argument:


Do not regard the beginning of the specified string as the beginning of a line; more generally, don’t make any assumptions about what text might precede it.


Do not regard the end of the specified string as the end of a line; more generally, don’t make any assumptions about what text might follow it.

Here are the possible nonzero values that regexec can return:


The pattern didn’t match the string. This isn’t really an error.


regexec ran out of memory.

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1.3.4 Match Results with Subexpressions

When regexec matches parenthetical subexpressions of pattern, it records which parts of string they match. It returns that information by storing the offsets into an array whose elements are structures of type regmatch_t. The first element of the array (index 0) records the part of the string that matched the entire regular expression. Each other element of the array records the beginning and end of the part that matched a single parenthetical subexpression.

Data Type: regmatch_t

This is the data type of the matcharray array that you pass to regexec. It containes two structure fields, as follows:


The offset in string of the beginning of a substring. Add this value to string to get the address of that part.


The offset in string of the end of the substring.

Data Type: regoff_t

regoff_t is an alias for another signed integer type. The fields of regmatch_t have type regoff_t.

The regmatch_t elements correspond to subexpressions positionally; the first element (index 1) records where the first subexpression matched, the second element records the second subexpression, and so on. The order of the subexpressions is the order in which they begin.

When you call regexec, you specify how long the matchptr array is, with the nmatch argument. This tells regexec how many elements to store. If the actual regular expression has more than nmatch subexpressions, then you won’t get offset information about the rest of them. But this doesn’t alter whether the pattern matches a particular string or not.

If you don’t want regexec to return any information about where the subexpressions matched, you can either supply 0 for nmatch, or use the flag REG_NOSUB when you compile the pattern with regcomp.

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1.3.5 Complications in Subexpression Matching

Sometimes a subexpression matches a substring of no characters. This happens when ‘f\(o*\)’ matches the string ‘fum’. (It really matches just the ‘f’.) In this case, both of the offsets identify the point in the string where the null substring was found. In this example, the offsets are both 1.

Sometimes the entire regular expression can match without using some of its subexpressions at all—for example, when ‘ba\(na\)*’ matches the string ‘ba’, the parenthetical subexpression is not used. When this happens, regexec stores -1 in both fields of the element for that subexpression.

Sometimes matching the entire regular expression can match a particular subexpression more than once—for example, when ‘ba\(na\)*’ matches the string ‘bananana’, the parenthetical subexpression matches three times. When this happens, regexec usually stores the offsets of the last part of the string that matched the subexpression. In the case of ‘bananana’, these offsets are 6 and 8.

But the last match is not always the one that is chosen. It’s more accurate to say that the last opportunity to match is the one that takes precedence. What this means is that when one subexpression appears within another, then the results reported for the inner subexpression reflect whatever happened on the last match of the outer subexpression. For an example, consider ‘\(ba\(na\)*s \)*’ matching the string ‘bananas bas ’. The last time the inner expression actually matches is near the end of the first word. But it is considered again in the second word, and fails to match there. regexec reports nonuse of the “na” subexpression.

Another place where this rule applies is when the regular expression ‘\(ba\(na\)*s \|nefer\(ti\)* \)*’ matches ‘bananas nefertiti’. The “na” subexpression does match in the first word, but it doesn’t match in the second word because the other alternative is used there. Once again, the second repetition of the outer subexpression overrides the first, and within that second repetition, the “na” subexpression is not used. So regexec reports nonuse of the “na” subexpression.

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1.3.6 POSIX Regexp Matching Cleanup

When you are finished using a compiled regular expression, you can free the storage it uses by calling regfree.

Function: void regfree (regex_t *compiled)

Calling regfree frees all the storage that *compiled points to. This includes various internal fields of the regex_t structure that aren’t documented in this manual.

regfree does not free the object *compiled itself.

You should always free the space in a regex_t structure with regfree before using the structure to compile another regular expression.

When regcomp or regexec reports an error, you can use the function regerror to turn it into an error message string.

Function: size_t regerror (int errcode, regex_t *compiled, char *buffer, size_t length)

This function produces an error message string for the error code errcode, and stores the string in length bytes of memory starting at buffer. For the compiled argument, supply the same compiled regular expression structure that regcomp or regexec was working with when it got the error. Alternatively, you can supply NULL for compiled; you will still get a meaningful error message, but it might not be as detailed.

If the error message can’t fit in length bytes (including a terminating null character), then regerror truncates it. The string that regerror stores is always null-terminated even if it has been truncated.

The return value of regerror is the minimum length needed to store the entire error message. If this is less than length, then the error message was not truncated, and you can use it. Otherwise, you should call regerror again with a larger buffer.

Here is a function which uses regerror, but always dynamically allocates a buffer for the error message:

char *get_regerror (int errcode, regex_t *compiled)
  size_t length = regerror (errcode, compiled, NULL, 0);
  char *buffer = xmalloc (length);
  (void) regerror (errcode, compiled, buffer, length);
  return buffer;

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1.4 Shell-Style Word Expansion

Word expansion means the process of splitting a string into words and substituting for variables, commands, and wildcards just as the shell does.

For example, when you write ‘ls -l foo.c’, this string is split into three separate words—‘ls’, ‘-l’ and ‘foo.c’. This is the most basic function of word expansion.

When you write ‘ls *.c’, this can become many words, because the word ‘*.c’ can be replaced with any number of file names. This is called wildcard expansion, and it is also a part of word expansion.

When you use ‘echo $PATH’ to print your path, you are taking advantage of variable substitution, which is also part of word expansion.

Ordinary programs can perform word expansion just like the shell by calling the library function wordexp.

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1.4.1 The Stages of Word Expansion

When word expansion is applied to a sequence of words, it performs the following transformations in the order shown here:

  1. Tilde expansion: Replacement of ‘~foo’ with the name of the home directory of ‘foo’.
  2. Next, three different transformations are applied in the same step, from left to right:
  3. Field splitting: subdivision of the text into words.
  4. Wildcard expansion: The replacement of a construct such as ‘*.c’ with a list of ‘.c’ file names. Wildcard expansion applies to an entire word at a time, and replaces that word with 0 or more file names that are themselves words.
  5. Quote removal: The deletion of string-quotes, now that they have done their job by inhibiting the above transformations when appropriate.

For the details of these transformations, and how to write the constructs that use them, see The BASH Manual (to appear).

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1.4.2 Calling wordexp

All the functions, constants and data types for word expansion are declared in the header file ‘wordexp.h’.

Word expansion produces a vector of words (strings). To return this vector, wordexp uses a special data type, wordexp_t, which is a structure. You pass wordexp the address of the structure, and it fills in the structure’s fields to tell you about the results.

Data Type: wordexp_t

This data type holds a pointer to a word vector. More precisely, it records both the address of the word vector and its size.


The number of elements in the vector.


The address of the vector. This field has type char **.


The offset of the first real element of the vector, from its nominal address in the we_wordv field. Unlike the other fields, this is always an input to wordexp, rather than an output from it.

If you use a nonzero offset, then that many elements at the beginning of the vector are left empty. (The wordexp function fills them with null pointers.)

The we_offs field is meaningful only if you use the WRDE_DOOFFS flag. Otherwise, the offset is always zero regardless of what is in this field, and the first real element comes at the beginning of the vector.

Function: int wordexp (const char *words, wordexp_t *word-vector-ptr, int flags)

Perform word expansion on the string words, putting the result in a newly allocated vector, and store the size and address of this vector into *word-vector-ptr. The argument flags is a combination of bit flags; see Flags for Word Expansion, for details of the flags.

You shouldn’t use any of the characters ‘|&;<>’ in the string words unless they are quoted; likewise for newline. If you use these characters unquoted, you will get the WRDE_BADCHAR error code. Don’t use parentheses or braces unless they are quoted or part of a word expansion construct. If you use quotation characters ‘'"`’, they should come in pairs that balance.

The results of word expansion are a sequence of words. The function wordexp allocates a string for each resulting word, then allocates a vector of type char ** to store the addresses of these strings. The last element of the vector is a null pointer. This vector is called the word vector.

To return this vector, wordexp stores both its address and its length (number of elements, not counting the terminating null pointer) into *word-vector-ptr.

If wordexp succeeds, it returns 0. Otherwise, it returns one of these error codes:


The input string words contains an unquoted invalid character such as ‘|’.


The input string refers to an undefined shell variable, and you used the flag WRDE_UNDEF to forbid such references.


The input string uses command substitution, and you used the flag WRDE_NOCMD to forbid command substitution.


It was impossible to allocate memory to hold the result. In this case, wordexp can store part of the results—as much as it could allocate room for.


There was a syntax error in the input string. For example, an unmatched quoting character is a syntax error.

Function: void wordfree (wordexp_t *word-vector-ptr)

Free the storage used for the word-strings and vector that *word-vector-ptr points to. This does not free the structure *word-vector-ptr itself—only the other data it points to.

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1.4.3 Flags for Word Expansion

This section describes the flags that you can specify in the flags argument to wordexp. Choose the flags you want, and combine them with the C operator |.


Append the words from this expansion to the vector of words produced by previous calls to wordexp. This way you can effectively expand several words as if they were concatenated with spaces between them.

In order for appending to work, you must not modify the contents of the word vector structure between calls to wordexp. And, if you set WRDE_DOOFFS in the first call to wordexp, you must also set it when you append to the results.


Leave blank slots at the beginning of the vector of words. The we_offs field says how many slots to leave. The blank slots contain null pointers.


Don’t do command substitution; if the input requests command substitution, report an error.


Reuse a word vector made by a previous call to wordexp. Instead of allocating a new vector of words, this call to wordexp will use the vector that already exists (making it larger if necessary).

Note that the vector may move, so it is not safe to save an old pointer and use it again after calling wordexp. You must fetch we_pathv anew after each call.


Do show any error messages printed by commands run by command substitution. More precisely, allow these commands to inherit the standard error output stream of the current process. By default, wordexp gives these commands a standard error stream that discards all output.


If the input refers to a shell variable that is not defined, report an error.

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1.4.4 wordexp Example

Here is an example of using wordexp to expand several strings and use the results to run a shell command. It also shows the use of WRDE_APPEND to concatenate the expansions and of wordfree to free the space allocated by wordexp.

expand_and_execute (const char *program, const char *options)
  wordexp_t result;
  pid_t pid
  int status, i;

  /* Expand the string for the program to run.  */
  switch (wordexp (program, &result, 0))
    case 0:			/* Successful.  */
    case WRDE_NOSPACE:
      /* If the error was WRDE_NOSPACE,
         then perhaps part of the result was allocated.  */
      wordfree (&result);
    default:                    /* Some other error.  */
      return -1;

  /* Expand the strings specified for the arguments.  */
  for (i = 0; args[i]; i++)
      if (wordexp (options, &result, WRDE_APPEND))
          wordfree (&result);
          return -1;

  pid = fork ();
  if (pid == 0)
      /* This is the child process.  Execute the command. */
      execv (result.we_wordv[0], result.we_wordv);
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
  else if (pid < 0)
    /* The fork failed.  Report failure.  */
    status = -1;
    /* This is the parent process.  Wait for the child to complete.  */
    if (waitpid (pid, &status, 0) != pid)
      status = -1;

  wordfree (&result);
  return status;

In practice, since wordexp is executed by running a subshell, it would be faster to do this by concatenating the strings with spaces between them and running that as a shell command using ‘sh -c’.

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